There is never a question whether God is speaking. It is often during some of the darkest seasons of our life that God is speaking to us the most. Finding direction in the silent moment of our life can be a journey that can sometimes cost you everything that you have relied and depended on, but what you will gain in clarity will benefit you for a lifetime.The darkest moments in your life reveal the greatest parts of your relationship with God. It is there that no facade will work. None of our masks can hide us and no one person has the answers that really matter. It’s a season for God. Some of the most silent seasons of your life is when God is performing at his best! In this book, you’ll discover: -How to eliminate out of season voices-How not to make wrong turns on the right road -The tools that the enemy uses to distract us-How rejection and offense block you from hearing the Voice of God-How heaven talks-How the silence of God works for you and not against you-What happens when God responds and much more!