Tin-n-Ouahr is a novel. "Kingdom without effigy" is the first volume on six. This is a summary presentation. Books can be read separately or in full, without altering the pleasure of reading.
AUTHOR’S BIOGRAPHY DEDICATED BY ONE OF HIS FRIENDS, NOW DISAPPEARED:"Muhammad Jamal El Kadiri was born in 1953. Political scientist by training, he is came early to writing, later for publication, by taste and quality requirement.His novels is talented, but harsh and incisive. It depicts with a startling reality the vicissitude of the intellectuals in his country.His [literary time] leaves the reader with a strange feeling of duration, captive and held in suspense until the last sentence."FORWORD:
If the characters, facts and chronological of this work largely correspond to authentically lived situations, they are nevertheless novel creations.Thus, dialogues, marginal scenes, descriptions and novelistic thoughts, necessary for any literary construction, have been voluntarily added by the author. Names of persons, military acronyms, and most of the names of places have been deliberately modified, their geographical location hidden. Any foreign resemblance in the text would be purely fortuitous, and could not therefore be ambiguous.The author. MANUSCRIPTS AT READING:
My texts do not claim to have the physico-chemical consistency of the diamond, which is a rare mineral, at beauty always singular. If it symbolizes purity, I dare claim somewhat in my writing process, you are well aware, dear readers, that nothing can resist at the erosion and relentlessness of time, not even a rare stone, unlike the myth. However, my quest to want fix in time my writing has been a constant in my novel research project, registering in a dialectic perhaps containing elements of plastic and artistic appreciation who neglect and forget by moment the transience of time. Critical scholars in the world of literature can identify and seize this requirement, or do not see it at all. There are authors who do not necessarily write to please but to say things. Is not it how many great men pass their way without deigning to see the grace of the infinitely small, to whom it is enough to be only great in the eyes of his mother? The greats who often forget they were small before becoming... greats. As in the search for precious gems, it is the rarity and beauty of the texts that move an audience. Will you become diehard fans of my books ? The author. SYMBOLIC OF THE SAGA:
- I came to the army to fulfill a duty, my commander... In the name of true republican values, and citizenship...
- You dream, lieutenant, says the commandant, with his characteristic eye-fold... Where do you see the republic ?...
- At least, in my head, and my actions... I do not forget that we suffer diktats illegitimate regime, resulting from a putsch...
- Do not say that in front of anyone, Baali... We will neutralize you without mercy ...
- No matter, my commander ... I am not afraid ... I inherited from my ancestors a high sense of dignity and honor ... Our people, for the most part, think like me... at the difference that they do not say it with one voice and does not rise up frankly, like a single man... In the image of our martyrs, who died for that this people live free ... Yes, the current power is only a kingdom... without effigy... But it will eventually disappear one day or another, because from his birth he sowed the seeds of his own destruction..
(In Volume 2, Chapter Thirteen )