Blind Faith: How Christianity abandoned God, Part One - the Trinity doctrine, is the first book in a three-part series focused on exposing age-old spiritual beliefs that have been proven to be false. The trinity doctrine is arguably the most accepted, if not a fundamental belief in Christianity today. It’s the belief that claims God is made up of three distinct persons all unique but yet one.The focus of blind faith is to prove to you that the trinity doctrine is a false belief that was concocted and voted on by the 4th century CE, Roman appointed Ecumenical Bishops, who then went on to mislead the whole church into believing in a false god and have done so until this day. The only reason this doctrine is still viewed as truth is because of sixteen centuries of indoctrination, control and monopoly of the church when in fact there is no evidence anywhere in history, or in the Bible to support the existence of such a god (a triune god).If this doctrine is false then its goes without saying that the core or the foundation of what Christians believe today about who God is, is equally false. In other words, Christianity today is based on a lie and the 2.2 billion Christians around the world are following a lie. A lie if brought to light would shake the very foundations of Christianity as we know it.