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John Sinclair: Demon Hunter

John Sinclair John Sinclair

出版社:Blackstone Audio Inc
$ 945
金石堂 金石堂
圖書介紹 - 資料來源:博客來   評分:
圖書名稱:John Sinclair: Demon Hunter


Detective Chief Inspector John Sinclair works for Scotland Yard’s Special Division, an elite unit that deals with extraordinary cases. DCI Sinclair is a battle-hardened veteran of Afghanistan, a man haunted by the past.

Originally conceived in 1973 and still running strong, the John Sinclair novellas are firmly rooted in the finest pulp traditions-true page-turners with spine-tingling suspense, exquisite gore, and a dash of adventure. This relaunch of Europe’s longest running horror series combines the dark visions of Stephen King, Clive Barker, and The X-Files with the fast-paced action and globe-trotting excitement of James Bond.

Produced internationally in London and Los Angeles, John Sinclair is an audio drama series, blockbuster cinema for your ears only, a breathtaking mixture of gothic horror and fast-paced action paired with an audio-rich atmosphere for your aural pleasure.

Episode 1: Curse of the Undead

There are so many ways a person can die. Sooner or later, everyone’s number is up, and no one comes back-or do they?

On a cold November night, a grieving father picks up his hunting rifle and shoots his only daughter in the head. The police are mystified. Why was the girl even at the house? Why wasn’t she at the mortuary ... awaiting her burial? After all, Mary Winston had been declared dead two days before. The incident is only the first in a series of mysterious attacks in the small Scottish town of Middlesbury. Dead bodies go missing. A cemetery caretaker is devoured alive. An ancient curse is about to be unleashed.

Detective Chief Inspector John Sinclair works for Scotland Yard’s Special Division, an elite unit that deals with extraordinary cases. DCI Sinclair is a battle-hardened veteran of Afghanistan, a man haunted by the past, but nothing could have prepared him for the horrors he’s about to face. He goes to Scotland to investigate the gruesome murders, but what he finds is a town in the grip of fear. The people of Middlesbury are harboring a secret. A secret that is about to explode.

Episode 2: The Lord of Death

We all serve a master in this life. But only a very few unlucky souls serve the Lord of Death ...

When Chester Davis returns from an archaeological dig in Mexico, he is a changed man-and not for the better. On a cold and rainy night, Davis reaches for a gun and goes on a shooting spree in Lower Manhattan. So begins another adventure for Detective Chief Inspector John Sinclair of Scotland Yard’s Special Division. This time, Sinclair travels to an Aztec burial site, where he has to find and destroy an ancient death cult.

Episode 3: Dr. Satanos

"No one knew his name. People in these parts simply called him Dr. Satanos. He had the look of a kindly uncle. He was dressed in a white lab coat ... splattered with specks of blood."

A mysterious scientist is working on a groundbreaking medical procedure-with deadly consequences. When an elderly hairdresser finds a severed head in the middle of a coastal road, an extraordinary sequence of events begins-and a small town in Cornwall is plunged into a terrifying nightmare. Detective Chief Inspector John Sinclair of Scotland Yard’s Special Division finds himself in a race against the clock, trying to stop a gruesome killing spree.

Episode 4: A Feast of Blood

"She had no more than one or two days left to live. She could feel it. The agonizing pain in her throat, the blinding headaches-there wasn’t much time left. She had tried everything-absolutely everything-and the only thing that could save her now was a miracle."

When the Lady Laduga is sentenced to death in 1722, she makes a pact with a mysterious stranger-a pact that will grant her eternal life. But there is a price to pay. Three-hundred years later, her ancient evil awakens, and a small town in England is plunged into a blood-soaked nightmare. A battle-hardened veteran of Afghanistan, DCI Sinclair has never forgotten the horrors of war, but what he encounters in the village of Hillside is an evil far beyond anything he could possibly imagine.

Episode 5: Dark Pharaoh

Dr. Kenneth Hopkins, a renowned Egyptologist, wakes up from uneasy dreams to find himself engulfed in darkness. Within seconds, he realizes that he’s in a coffin. He’s been buried alive ... and a voice inside his head is laughing.

When a British expedition uncovers the tomb of an ancient sorcerer, they unwittingly open a portal to another dimension-and awaken a demonic force intent on destroying our world. Detective Chief Inspector John Sinclair’s latest case takes him from the back alleys of London to the Egyptian desert in a heart-pounding race against time as he attempts to stop an unspeakable evil-an evil older than our very world.

Episode 6: The Vampire Graveyard

Dr. Boscombe and his team are about to make a historic discovery: Britain’s only vampire graveyard, an unmarked cemetery at the edge of a marsh in Yorkshire. It was here, 230 years ago, that villagers buried the victims of the mysterious widow Simona Grace. Boscombe has no idea of the terrors he is about to unleash.

When the only surviving member of Boscombe’s team is consigned to a madhouse in London, Detective Chief Inspector John Sinclair is sent to Yorkshire to unveil the secrets of the vampire graveyard. But what he encounters in Yorkshire is no ordinary evil. It is an infection, an intelligent virus that is about to devour our world.

Episode 7: A Long Day in Hell

No one comes back from hell-except John Sinclair. But he didn’t come back alone ...

When John Sinclair’s dying body is brought to the emergency room at St. Bartholomew’s Hospital in London, the unthinkable happens: minutes after his death, he jolts back to life, screaming in agony. The doctors have no rational explanation for his recovery. But Sinclair didn’t come back alone. There are voices in his head, and one of them belongs to Laura Cody, an eleven-year-old girl who is trapped with her brother in a crumbling mansion outside of London, and about to be sacrificed to an ancient evil.

Detective Chief Inspector John Sinclair of Scotland Yard’s Special Division is a battle-hardened veteran of Afghanistan, a man who’s been to hell and back. And this time, he’s not just fighting to save our world; he’s fighting for his soul.



  • ISBN:9781982561130
  • 規格:有聲CD / 14.6 x 14 x 1.3 cm / 普通級
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