Eric U. Williams, the self-proclaimed Soccer football Whisperer is a 1977 Government of Jamaica scholar and 175th anniversary distinguish graduate awardee of Mico University Teachers College. He holds a Master in Educational Administration and the Bachelor of Science in Human Performance Sports Coaching Laboratory from Temple University in Philadelphia, Pa. USA He is also an Industrial Manpower Development Training Specialist and an Organization Development Consultant, Production Manager, owned and operated the Wilguard Enterprise football shinguard manufacturing company. He has earned and issued himself a licence to carry a concealed football, but prefers to pass the ball, often into his opponents goal and let them talk about that when they are able to figure it out. A previously published author with more to come, he is a grandfather that is still under double teaming stake out at the recreation level and believes the World cup can be played at any level...same ball, same physics but only two-thirds of the pitch is necessary.