Architect, urban planner, composer of erudite experimental music, photographer, Emanuel Dimas de Melo Pimenta was born in 1957. His works are focused on art, science, neurology, cyberspace and Virtual Reality. In 1980 he coined the concept and methodology of "virtual architecture"; in that same year he created Woiksed, the first virtual planet in History; since 2000 he works on space architecture with orbital and extraplanetary buildings. Since the 1970s he develops four dimensional music scores inside Virtual Reality. He collaborated with John Cage, as composer for Merce Cunningham over more than twenty-five years. He also worked over more than twenty years with the legendary Swiss philosopher René Berger. With more than seventy published books, more than forty compact discs, his works are included in the Universalis Encyclopedia (Britannica) since 1991 among many others and also are part of some of the most representative art collections in museums and private in several countries. He is member of the New York Academy of Sciences, of the Academy of Arts, Sciences and Letters of Paris, of the American Society for the Advancement of Science, of the American Society of Media Photographers, of the Order of Architects of Portugal, of the Brazilian Council of Architecture and Urban Planning, of the International Symmetry Association in Budapest and of the French Society of Authors SACD in Paris. Gold Medal of the Academy of Arts, Sciences and Letters of Paris in 2017. He is also member of the Space Architecture Technical Committee of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. He lives in Locarno, Switzerland; but he is also regularly present in New York City and Lisbon.