Tamara Von Forslun, dubbed by Raymond Buckland "The Witch of Oz" in the early 80’s, has been involved in the Craft since the 1970’s and teaching Wicca and Witchcraft for over 50 years, she is considered one of the world’s respected Wiccan and Witch Elders and is the Founder and Creator of Australia’s first legal Neo-Pagan Church "The Church of Wicca" (Australia August, 1989), Arch Priestess of the Aquarian Tabernacle Church in Australia (1991). Traditional Initiated Witch "Coven of Draconis" 1972. An Alexandrian High Priestess (1976); High Priestess Elder of the Clan of Boskednan International since (1978); Ordained High Priestess of the Fellowship of Isis by Lady Olivia and Lord Lawrence Durdin-Robertson (1981); Elder of the Grey Council of Wizards & Sages (2019). International Author and Lecturer, Teacher, Naturopath & Herbalist, Traditional Witchcraft Ritualist; Oracle High Priestess; Wiccan Marriage and Funeral Celebrant.