Triton’s Reign: Third Installment of the Light of A New Day Series. Hamilton Key returns to Erotica, the lost city destroyed by exiles and alien warfare, zombie Apocalypse, destruction, and corruption of government. Destruction and mayhem reign the world into a land of complete chaos, as zombies ravage the countryside in hopes of ruining the Martian camps that have begun inoculating and microchipping millions of people. The aliens rage against the dead, as the Saturnians and the Neptunians let loose a relentless virus in a gas that writers the human mind and turns the dead into depraved lunacy that rises from necromancy. As Triton is held prisoner by the Martian army of the one and only Scorpion, who is not in prison on a moon near the planet of Neptune, a cloning experiment seizes the remains of Atlantis and Tritonian Lands beneath the sea. The world seizes as he attempts to return to the city in order to attract survivors to his new colony in the Bahamas, that remains just miles from an underwater alien experiment, of oil and minerals; which leads him to try and uncover the deadly secret that eats at society and eats away at his soul.