American Horror Stories"The Lady in Lavender" Callie was horrifically abused by her husband in the late 1800’s. She was helpless in how to protect her children or herself and poisoned him. Because of her guilt she came back to haunt the area where she lived. When Callie meets a little girl who is living in a similar situation something happens to change both of their spirits. "A Scarecrow for Maggie" Maggie, an artist at heart makes scarecrows for the locals where she lives in Kentucky to make extra money. When she starts making money from her scarecrows, things start getting nasty. Her abusive cruel husband wants to get his hands on the money that he knows she is hiding. See what happens when things get out of hand and Maggie needs to protect herself."A Little Trick or Treat Surprise" This romantic love story about a little person that doesn’t expect to find someone who can love her just as she is takes on a sinister twist. When Maddie takes her children trick or treating for Halloween she finds that not everyone is like the loving people in her family. Never drop your guard, and never underestimate a little person. "Be Careful about the Promises You Make" Have you ever wondered what happens if someone who promises to come back from the dead really does? What if that person is evil? When electronics start going haywire in this short story, and televisions start turning on by themselves; it was time to call in the Ghost Trackers. After you read this chiller, you may rethink using a ghost box or trying to communicate with the dead.