The Turbulent Twin is a story that takes place in the small town of Chelmsford, New England, and the exciting streets of New York City. IT takes place during the late nineteen forties through to the seventies, causing stress during the time of the Vietnam War. It revolves around a family where secrets are kept hidden for years. The family consists of two sisters who are estranged. One is single and lives in New York City, having no contact for many years with the other sister, who lives in New England with her husband and twin daughters.
One of the twins is a constant challenge for her parents and sibling, causing worry, frustration and concern due to her bad choices that only get worse as she enters her teen years. She is also harbouring secrets that she keeps to herself for years, and she has no remorse for those she hurts. The other twin, being more like their mother, bears the brunt of her sister’s actions.
The father also has a huge secret that he has kept from his wife since the beginning of their marriage. He has no intention of ever telling her this secret, but due to unexpected issues he feels pressured to confess.
This all takes its toll on the mother, a stay-at-home mom who does her best to keep the family together in spite of all the trials and tribulations surrounding them.