變變變!雞蛋如何變小雞? 蝌蚪如何變青蛙?
《Baby Animals》硬頁操作書帶孩子認識各種可愛的動物寶寶。動動小手,拉拉標籤,看小雞破蛋而出,觀察小蝌蚪如何長大變成整天呱呱叫的青蛙,還有為什麼企鵝寶寶總是躲在爸爸的腳邊取暖,獅子寶寶如何跟著威風凜凜的爸爸學會打獵……。
Big, sturdy tabs to push and pull make for great learning fun in this brand-new nonfiction series. Baby Animals introduces a unique approach to telling preschool children about baby animals, featuring three pull tabs on each spread. Pull a tab to see a chick hatch from an egg or tadpoles become young frogs, push a tab to see a baby emperor penguin keep warm between his daddy’s feet or a lion cub learn to hunt. With bite-size information just right for hungry young minds, Baby Animals is a welcome addition to any young child’s library of nonfiction books.