The Incredible but true life adventures of a "Street Wise" disc jockey known as The Vynil Junkie, that gets caught up in the dark side of the Disco era. His upbringing in the tough streets of Jersey prepared him for the fight to save his life during the crazy "Cocaine Cowboy" Wars in the Miami of the early 80's.
From mobsters, to politicians, to internationally known figures. This story takes you on a wild ride full of violence, drugs, corruption, sex and of course, the "Discos" of the 70's & 80's. From the night life of New York City, to the tropical sun of Miami Beach. This narrative lets ones imagination FEEL a part of the story, and your emotions will race up and down like a roller coaster. From great danger, to hilarious escapades, The Vynil junkie lived a life unlike few others. He is a real life comic book hero. This book will make you laugh, have you on the edge of your seat, and make you cry.
A precautionary tale of redemption, and a will to survive, that few have experienced.
"I WILL SURVIVE: The True Adventures And Escapades Of The Vynil Junkie" is an incredible story, and the most remarkable thing, is that even what seems unbelievable in this book, are true!