This is a book about how to empower your employees, give them real purpose in today’s workplace and increase engagement whilst at the same time increasing productivity and lowering turnover.
One of the biggest problems we are facing in today’s workplace is that micromanagement has become the norm. Moreover, this type of "leadership" is not only inversely proportional to employee engagement, but worse, the two are in fact mutually exclusive.
Both now and in the future, key themes such as autonomy, empowerment and employee engagement will become the foundations upon which companies will build competitive advantage. Building confidence and trust will become more and more critical to success.
Empowerment itself is to do with confidence and trust. If we think about the importance of both in our own lives, it’s likely that we all instinctively know that when family members don’t trust each other it invariably leads to a breakdown in communication. At best, this will eventually cause damage to relationships, and at worst, it will end them.
This is a book about the incredible source of largely untapped power which exists within organisations and companies today, namely your employees. It explains why this is the case and what needs to be done. The main paradigm of the book is that employees are the most important resource for any organisation and should be treated as such; companies need more than ever to become employee-centric.