In "Glory Rose: A Story of Shattered Vows and Renewed Passion," Afolabi and Yetunde, a young Nigerian couple, relocate to the UK with the expectation of a better life. They are brimming with excitement and dreams of new opportunities; however, they soon realize that life in a foreign land comes with an unexpected cultural shift.
Yetunde, a quiet, amiable, and devoted wife, begins to embrace the freedoms offered by life in the UK. She seeks greater independence, and the pressures of their new environment start to create distance between her and Afolabi. Her choices, influenced by underlying circumstances and a desire for control and freedom, have devastating consequences for her family.
Afolabi is bewildered by Yetunde’s transformation. How does he bravely attempt to keep the family intact?
As the story unfolds, "Glory Rose" delves into the deep emotional struggles of both characters. The uncertainties of life manifest as they navigate the uncharted waters of a new world, coming to terms with the reality that the beauty of the rose cannot exist without its thorns.
This novel is a powerful tale about the fragility of love, the impact of cultural change, and the potential for forgiveness and redemption. It serves as a beacon of hope, reminding us all that even when love is tested to its limits, it can still find a way to heal and endure.
I strongly recommend the book for both counselling and relationship therapy. It has the potential to bring healing to the broken-hearted. This novel centers on forgiveness, which is true forgiveness that comes from the heart.
Glory Rose explores intricate topical areas that married couples face when they relocate abroad. These are issues that are hardly discussed as a result of cultural or religious factors, but this novel delves into these core areas by bringing out the problems in a way that explores these salient issues in a practical way.
I strongly recommend this book to counsellors.