Part I: Chapter 1. Technology Roadmapping Maturity Assessment: A Case Study in Energy Sector.- Chapter 2. Technology Policy Roadmap: Big Data Privacy.- Chapter 3. Technology Roadmap: Electric Shavers.- Chapter 4. A Strategy Roadmap for Post-Quantum Cryptography.- Chapter 5. Technology Roadmap: Smart Watches.- Chapter 6. Technology Roadmap: The Hyperloop One.- Chapter 7. Technology Roadmap: Smart Apartments.- Chapter 8. Technology Roadmap: Autonomous Bus Service.- Part II: Chapter 9. A technology roadmap for a standardized platform for autonomous vehicle systems.- Chapter 10. Technology Intelligence Map: Finance Machine Learning.- Chapter 11. Technology Intelligence Map: Nanotubes.- Chapter 12. Technology Intelligence Map: Autonomous Car.- Chapter 13. Technology Intelligence Map: Fast Charging for Electric Vehicles.- Chapter 14. Technology Intelligence Map: Space Tourism.- Chapter 15. Technology Intelligence Map: Lithium Metal Battery.- Chapter 16. Technology Intelligence Map: Twitter and Currency.- Chapter 17. Technology Intelligence Map: Biotechnology.