1: Introduction.- 2: Intuitions about Welfare - Under the Constraint of Computability.- 3: Sraffa, Keynes and a New Paradigm.- 4: On the Meaning Maximization Doctrine: An Alternative to the Utilitarian Doctrine.- 5: A Generalization of Sraffa’s Notion of "Viability" in a ’Land Grabbing’ Context.- 6: The Sea Battle Tomorrow: The Identity of Reflexive Economic Agents.- 7: Production, Innovation and Disequilibrium.- 8: The Non-Robustness of Saddle-Point Dynamics: a Methodological Perspective.- 9: The Economic Intuitions at the Base of Stefano Zambelli’s Technical Contributions.- 10: Foresight - The Foreseeable Future.- 11: Uniqueness in Planar Endogenous Business Cycle Theories.- 12: Nonlinear Endogenous Business Cycles: Zambelli-Goodwin Excursions in Cellular Automata Worlds.- 13: Chopping Off to Compute Sraffa’s Standard Ratio.- 14: The Noisy Dynamics of Finance contrasted with the Complex Dynamics of Biology.- 15: Observations on Computability, Uncertainty and Technology.- 16: Marx and the Other Sraffa: The Insignificant Empirical Effect of Price-Value Deviations on Economic Aggregates.- 17: Corn Model, Subsistence Economy and the Empirical Economy.- 18: The Zambelli Attractors of Coupled, Nonlinear Macrodynamics and Knot Theory.