1 Introduction2 Georgian Language2.1 Introduction2.2 Alphabets and Phonology2.2.1 Alphabets2.2.2 Phonology2.2.3 Word Structure2.3 Morphology2.3.1 Noun Inflection2.3.2 Adjectival Inflection2.3.3 Numeral Inflection2.3.4 Pronouns2.3.5 Clytics2.3.6 Verbal Inflection2.3.7 Adverbs2.3.8 Conjunctions2.3.9 Particles2.3.10 Interjection2.4 SummaryReferences3 Computational Modeling3.1 Introduction3.2 Tokenization3.3 Morphological analyzer3.3.1 Noun lexicon and replace rules3.3.2 Adjective lexicon and replace rules3.3.3 Numeral lexicon and replace rules3.3.4 Pronoun lexicon and replace rules3.3.5 Verb lexicon and replace rules3.3.6 Participle and verbal noun lexicons3.3.7 Closed word-classes: Adverbs, Conjunctions, Particles, Interjections and Adpositions3.3.8 Abbreviations3.4 SummaryReferences4 Testing and Evaluation4.1 Introduction4.2 Rule integrity4.3 Consistency and order of tags4.4 Language coverage test: wordlists and corpus data4.4.1 Corpus compilation4.4.2 Corpus processing and markup4.4.3 Language coverage4.5 SummaryReferences5 APPENDICES5.1 Appendix A. Tagsets5.2 Appendix B. Flag diacritics5.3 Appendix C. Structural markupINDEXESName indexSubject index