Part I: Policy, Strategies and Social Dimensions.- Renewable Energy Education and the Role of Thermodynamics.- Global Renewable Outlook 2020 And Stimulus Packages For Energy Transition.- Water Energy Environment Nexus.- Societies with Smart Energy Systems.- Accelerating of Renewable Transition.- More Efficient Utilization of Renewable Energy Systems.- Role of Energy Efficiency and Environment in Energy Transition.- Design and Planning of Zero Emission 100% Renewable in Cities in Turkey.- Fulfilling the Requirements of Global Green Deal Locally.- History of Renewable Energy Developments and Implementation in USA.- Green New Deals for 143 Countries.- Towards a Low-Carbon Energy World.- Part II: Economics and Financing of Renewable Energy.- Financing Experiences For Renewable Energy Transition.- Economics of Renewable Energy Integration.- Avoided Externalities by Renewable Energy Utilization.- Modeling for Renewable Energy Integration.- Part III: Solar Energy.- Solar Based Adsorption Cooling Systems Choices and Analyses.- Design of Grid Integrated PV Applications.- Role of Heat Pump in Global Energy Transition.- Global Solar Energy Market Development.- Design and Implementation of PV Systems.- The Progress and Commercialization of Photovoltaic Solar Energy and Perception of Stakeholders.- Part IV: Ocean and Wind Energy.- Offshore Wind Implementation Data Analyses.- Global Statute of Ocean Energy Conversion Systems Design and Implementation.- Part V: Geothermal Energy.- The Role of Geothermal Energy in Energy Transition.- Pat VI: Biomass Energy.- Role of Bioenergy for Deep Decarbonisation Scenario.- Biomass Gasification Systems.- Role of Bioenergy in Global Transition to 100% Renewable Energy.- Present Developments and Global Potential of Biomass to Energy.- Biogas Use in Power Generation Systems.- Part VII: Hydrogen Energy.- Renewable Energy and Fuel Cells.- The Importance of Hydrogen in Renewable Energy Applications.- Solar Hydrogen.- Part VIII: Energy Storage.- Energy Storage and Smart Grids.- Utilization of Phase Change Material in Renewable Energies.- The Role of Energy Storage in Renewable Energy Systems.- Economic Impact of Thermal Energy Storage Systems with renewable Energy.- Importance of Energy Storage Systems in Future Energy Infrastructure and Critical Application Areas.- The Role Of Pumped Storage Hydro For Transition 100% Renewable Energy.- Pat IX: The Role of Artificial Intelligence and Optimization in Renewable Energies.- Decentralized Grid Control.- Optimization of Renewable Energy Systems.- Optimization of Renewable Energy Systems.- The Role IoT in Renewable Energy Integration.- Part X: Design and Integration of Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems.- An Integrated Renewable Energy Based Systems for A Sustainable Community.- Thermodynamic Analyses Solar-Wind Hybrid Systems.- Integrated Energy Systems.- Part XI: Case Studies and Applications.- Design and Implementation of Zero Energy House in Istanbul: A Case Study.- Energy Storage Role on Renewable Energy Resources