Dr. Matej David is full professor in maritime studies with more than 20 years of research in the field of ballast water issue and its management. For several years he participated in the work of IMO Marine Environment Protection Committee and European Maritime Safety Agency, including conducting trainings for Port State Control and other institutions responsible for the implementation of the BWM Convention. Nowadays he runs his private company, for more than 15 years conducts shipboard tests of BWM systems worldwide, prepares dossiers for Basic and Final Approvals, conducts tests of Compliance Monitoring Devices, and continues research activities in the field of the BWM and environmental issues in shipping/maritime transport. More about at https: //www.davidconsult.eu/.
Dr. Stephan Gollasch works with ballast water since 1992 when he began his PhD on sampling biology from ballast water of ocean-going vessels. Nowadays he works as consultant, located in Hamburg, Germany - the busiest German port. The services he provides are related to marine research and technology developments, especially in biological invasions, ship sampling, port State control instruments and tests of ballast water management systems. More about at http: //www.gollaschconsulting.de/.