Ettore Carletti obtained a degree in Mathematics from the University of Genoa in 1976; he earned his Diploma di Perfezionamento in 1983. He has been a researcher in Algebra and Geometry at the University of Genoa from 1985 until 2018 when he retired. His main research focus has been zeta functions in number theory and geometry.
Lucian Silvestru Badescu (deceased): Graduation from University of Bucharest, Department of Mathematics, (1967), Ph. D in Mathematics, University of Bucharest (1971) with the thesis " Rational contractions of algebraic varieties". Permanent position: Full professor at University of Bucharest, Department of Mathematics, until 2002, full profesor at Università degli Studi di Genova, Dipartimento di Matematica, until 2014. Field of interest: Algebric Geometry (singularities, hyperplan section and classification of projective varieties, deformation theory of singularities, arithmetic rang of projective submanifolds, algebraic surfaces, projective and formal geometry).