Willem Dirk van Driel has a >30-year track record in the reliability domain. Application areas range from healthcare, gas and oil explorations, semiconductors and my current position in Philips Lighting where he is responsible for Solid State Lighting reliability. Besides that, he holds a professor position at the University of Delft, The Netherlands. His scientific interests are solid state lighting, microelectronics and microsystems technologies, virtual prototyping, virtual reliability qualification and designing for reliability of microelectronics and microsystems. He acts as the chair for the organizing committee of the IEEE conference EuroSimE and has authored and co-authored more than 350 scientific publications, including journal and conference papers, book or book chapters and invited keynote lectures. He holds 20 patents. He is a certified DFSS Black Belt.
Klaus Pressel received his PhD in Physics from the University of Stuttgart on research of point defects in III/V semiconductors. He then changed to IHP Frankfurt (Oder), where he focused on Si and SiGe design and technology. In 2001 Klaus joined Infineon Technologies at Regensburg, where he focuses now on innovations in assembly and packaging technology. His special interests are system integration, high frequency applications, and chip-package-board/system co-design. Throughout his carrier reliability of semiconductor devices played a major role. Klaus has been project leader of various European ECSEL JU and EUREKA projects. His ECSEL JU project ESiP, where reliability of SiP was a core topic, received the ECSEL JU innovation award in 2013. Klaus is representing Infineon in various international technical committees, e.g. SEMI Advanced Packaging Conference, IEEE ESTC conference, the Eureka XECS program, and supports the European ECS-SRIA as well as the IEEE Heterogenous Integration Roadmap. Klaus is author/co-author of more than 200 publications in semiconductor physics and technology, circuit design, assembly and interconnect technology and owns/co-owns more than 20 patents.
Mujdat Soyturk, Associated Professor at Marmara University, received his Ph.D. and M.Sc. degrees in Computer Engineering from Istanbul Technical University in 2007 and 2002, respectively. His expertise and research interests include V2X Communications/Connected Cars, Wireless Networks, IoT, and Cyber-Physical Systems. Communication reliability, service availability and data analytics are among research topics he contributes. He is directing the VeNIT Research Laboratory (www.venit.org), which he founded in 2013 for studies in the field of ITS and V2X Communications. He carried out many R&D projects financed by the European Union and nationally. He served as a member of the Editorial Board, TPC, and as a reviewer for many high-ranked journals and conferences (>100 SCI/SCIE journals, > 1000 conferences).