Bernhard Ganter is Emeritus Professor of Mathematics at Technische Universität Dresden, Germany. His main research field is Formal Concept Analysis. Before being appointed to Dresden in 1993, he was a member of R. Wille’s working group and contributed to the development of Formal Concept Analysis. He is co-founder of the "Mathematics Adventure Land" exhibition in Dresden, which has been a success since 2008.
Rudolf Wille (2 November 1937 - 22 January 2017) was professor of Mathematics (General Algebra) from 1970 to 2003 at Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany. He is cofounder of the celebrated theory of Formal Concept Analysis, a field of mathematics that applies mathematical lattice theory to organize data based on objects and their shared attributes. An accomplished musician, he also made contributions to Mathematics in Music, Mathematical Pedagogy and the Philosophy of Science, and was a leading scholar in the concept lattice research community.