Manuel Sanchis i Marco is the Senior Lecturer (Tenured) of Applied Economics, at the University of Valencia, and Ph.D. in Economics Cum Laude and Prize to the Best Ph.D. by the University of Valencia. Certificate of Advanced European Studies, College of Europe. BA degree in Philosophy, Master’s degree in Ethics and Democracy, Ph.D. in Philosophy Cum Laude, and International Doctorate at the University of Valencia and the University Jaime I of Castellón, within the joint Programme of Doctorate in Ethics and Democracy. Visiting Researcher at the London School of Economics. Adjunct Professor in the Master in European Studies of the Universiteit Antwerpen. Guest Scholar at The Brookings Institution. External Guest Speaker in the Master in European Public Affairs of the Maastricht University and the European Institute of Public Administration. Economist at the European Commission in the Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs, and in the Directorate-General for Employment and Social Affairs. EAG member for Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities of the 7th Framework Program of the European Union. Latests books are Miseria de la economía. Anatomía filosófica de una racionalidad vacía (Ediciones Trea, 2023); El fracaso de las élites. Lecciones y escarmientos de la Gran Crisis (Pasado & Presente, 2014); The Economics of the Monetary Union and the Eurozone Crisis (Springer, 2013); and, Falacias, Dilemas y Paradojas. La Economía de España: 1980-2010 (PUV, 2011). Writes regularly in professional reviews and El País, Expansión, Cinco Días, and is requested for interviews on Spanish and foreign radios and TVs.