Content.- 1 Water Quality Management: Western Experiences and Challenges for Central and Eastern European Countries.- 1. Introduction and Background.- 2. Pollution Control Imperatives.- 3. Standards For Pollution Control.- 4. Water Pollution Control In The U.S..- 5. Challenges To Cee Countries.- 6. Institutions.- 7. Closing Remarks.- References.- 2 Use of Water Quality Models.- 1. Why and When Water Quality Modeling Is Needed.- 2. The Waste Load Allocation Process.- 3. Water Quality Models and Their Application.- 4. Selection and Application Criteria For Water Flow And Quality Models.- 5. Modeling Scenarios In The Wla (Tmdl) Processes.- References.- 3 Models for Reservoirs, Lakes and Wetlands.- 1. Introduction.- 2. Eco-Technological Aspects Of Watershed Management.- 3. Mathematical Models For Reservoir Water Quality Management.- 4. Model Categorization According To Water Quality Problems and Management Options For Their Solution.- 5. Models For Pollution Sources.- 6. Models For Pollution Consequences For Lakes And Reservoirs.- 7. Watershed Management Alternatives.- 8. Models For In-Lake and In-Reservoir Management Alternatives.- 9. Models For Quality Management Of Reservoir Outflow Water.- 10. Models For Prediction Of The Effect Of An Impoundment On Water Quality Of Its Outflow.- 11. Wetland Management Models.- 12. Integrated (Real Time) Management Of A Lake, Reservoir Or Wetland.- 13. Research Needs For Ecotechnological Water Quality Models.- 14. Conclusions.- References.- 4 Modeling Toxic Contaminants in an Aquatic Environment.- 1. Use Of Toxic Substance Models.- 2. Important Processes For Contaminants In An Aquatic Ecosystem.- 3. Characteristic Features and Classification Of Ecotoxicological Models.- 4. An Overview Of Toxic Substance Models For Aquatic Overview.- 5. A Case Study: A Mercury Model For Mex Bay, Alexandria (Egypt).- 6. Summary and Conclusions.- References.- 5 Sediment Toxicity and Equilibrium Partitioning Development of Sediment Quality Criteria for Toxic Substances.- 1. Introduction.- 2. Toxicity and Bioavailability Of Nonionic Organic Chemicals In Sediments.- 3. Toxicity and Bioavailability Of Metals In Sediments.- References.- 6 Contaminated Sediments and Remediation-Geochemical Perspective.- 1. Introduction.- 2. Identification Of Sources and Temporal Developments.- 3. Sediment Quality Criteria.- 4. Remediation Procedures For Dredged Sediments.- References.- 7 Assessment and Impact of Large Scale Metal Polluted Sites.- 1. Introduction.- 2. Capacity and Intensity Controlling Parameters.- 3. Case Studies.- References.- 8 Groundwater Remediation and Modeling.- 1. Introduction.- 2. Groundwater Contamination.- 3. Groundwater Remediation.- 4. Groundwater Modeling.- 5. Modeling Case Studies.- References.- Appendix: Sources For Computer Programs.- 9 Wastewater Treatment Technology, Economy and Politics.- 1. Introduction.- 2. Regulatory Issues.- 3. Less Expensive Technologies.- 4. Conclusions.- References.- Appendix 1.- 10 Wastewater Treatment Process Development in Central and Eastern Europe-Strategies for a Stepwise Development Involving Chemical And Biological Treatment.- 1. Introduction.- 2. Wastewater Management.- 3. Wastewater Treatment Methods For Eastern and Central Europe.- 4. Selection Of Local Wastewater Treatment Strategy.- 5. Economy.- 6. Step-Wise Development Of Wastewater Treatment Plants.- 7. Discussion.- 8. Conclusions.- 9. Summary.- References.- 11 Factors Affecting Water Quality of (Large) Rivers-Past Experiences and Future Outlook.- I: Present Views and State-of-the-Art.- 1. Introduction.- 2. Present View-The Situation Of The River Neckar and Its Relevance For Other River Systems.- 3. Future Outlook-Which Factors Are Still Relevant And Which Have Emerged As New?.- 4. Conclusions-What Developments Have Already Begun Today And What Is To Be Done Tomorrow.- References.- II: Future Outlook.- 1. Introduction.- 2. Increase Of Future Knowledge By Model Application Or Scientific Research.- References.-...