Patrizia Battilani is Professor of Economic History at the University of Bologna, Italy.
Her primary research interests are the history of culture and tourism with applications
in the field of participatory tourism planning, enhancement of UNESCO
world heritage sites and European cultural routes, as well as business history with
a focus on social enterprises. Currently she has the scientific responsibility for the
Bologna unit of the Interreg Italy-Croatia Recolor (Reviving and EnhanCing artwOrks
and Landscapes Of the adRiatic) and she is part of the research team of RurAllure
(Horizon 2020), FabRoutes (Erasmus+), Mistral (Interreg Med). She is also part or the
research team for the Spanish project HAR2017-82679-C2-1-P.
Carlos Larrinaga is Associate Professor of Economic History at the University of Granada
(Andalusia, Spain). His research is in the history of tourism, railways in the 19th
century and the service sector. He is currently leading an interdisciplinary project on
the history of tourism in Spain and Italy in the twentieth century, funded by the Spanish
Ministry of Science and Innovation and ERDF (HAR2017-82679-C2-1-P project).
He has undertaken research in several stays at Bordeaux-Montaigne University and
at Aberystwyth University.