Prof. Diana Derval is President and Research Director of DervalResearch, global market research firm specializing in human perception and behavior, and Chair of the Board of Directors of the Better Immune System Foundation. Visionary researcher, inventor of the Hormonal QuotientTM, member of the Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology, and author regularly featured in the media, Diana Derval turns fascinating neuroscientific breakthroughs into powerful business frameworks to identify, understand, and predict human traits, motivations, and behavior. She has accelerated the development of Fortune 500 firms including TomTom, Michelin, HP, Philips, Sara Lee, and Danone. Diana Derval is Professor of Marketing and Innovation at the University of Wales MBA/Robert Kennedy College, and teaches Sensory Science at ESSEC Paris-Singapore Business School, and at the University Leonard de Vinci. Over 10,000 professionals enjoyed her inspirational lectures and workshops from Chicago to Shanghai.