The Swiss Patrick Hofer (1966) is known for his goal-oriented problem-solving approaches. His ability to perceive the human body as a whole and to advise and treat every patient individually makes him an outstanding specialist. The ability of the trained orthopedic technician Patrick Hofer to explain facts in a comprehensible and intuitive way also distinguishes his competence. In his first book "Your Feet, Recognizing and Treating Foot Problems" (September 2014), he summarizes in detail what he has learned during the long period of work in the field. His findings as well as many valuable tips can be found in such concentration in hardly any other book on the subject of feet. With his other books "Heel pain" (March 2015) and "Bunion & Co., Forefoot problems" (September 2015), he provides more detailed information and solutions for these special foot problems. With his "Quick Guide: Healthy Feet" (January 2016), he provides a first-class, color-illustrated tool to effectively improve foot health with effective measures and simple exercises. Through his understandable language and practical approach, his books concerned both laymen as well as professionals are important tools in the understanding of the feet. In 2017 his books are also published in English. Further information is available at