I was born 4th of July 1975 in Duesseldorf and grew up there. Career is among other things, at Kaufhof at the King Avenue 1 in Duesseldorf and at Fair Duesseldorf, Hager & Meisinger and at the Heinrich-Heine-University in Duesseldorf. In addition to this, I have been able to develop constantly in many other employment relationships with various employers. Through my intensive experience, the most different experience and through the handling, the contact and the communication and the associated information and exchange of experience, with many different people of various backgrounds from all over the world, I have a lot of information, to know about the knowledgeable, in its deeper form and of excellent and high-quality, and so I have the opportunity to give you this knowledge so precise and compact, as only necessary, and as understandable, and to make it for you a profitable and a to be able to use in a variety of ways.