今日,美國備受期待的主廚,各自為餐廳注入萬種風情,豐富的菜系。有來自法國的多明尼克(Dominique Crenn)、以色列的麥可(Michael Solomonov)、衣索比亞的馬克思(Marcus Samuelsson)、韓國的李柯瑞(Corey Lee)與墨西哥的丹妮(Daniela Soto-innes)。使出渾身解數,教你經典的泰式蝦仁搭配甜洋蔥混搭越式香菜。艾瑪(Emma Bengtsson)的醃漬鮭魚,還有塞爾維亞大廚米羅(Miro Uskokovic)帶來的經典匈牙利千層塔。
Today, some of the country's most exciting chefs hail from distant shores and they're infusing their restaurants' menus with the flavours of their heritage. Featuring the recipes of forty top foreign-born chefs, this book presents dishes from luminaries including Dominque Crenn (France), Michael Solomonov (Israel), Marcus Samuelsson (Ethiopia/Sweden), Corey Lee (Korea), and Daniela Soto-Innes (Mexico). Learn how to make Thai Dang's shrimp with sweet onions and Vietnamese coriander; Emma Bengtsson's salmon gravlax and lovage; and Miro Uskokovic's Hungarian pancake torte. These chefs are running the kitchens of the country's most exciting restaurants and each of them has a compelling story to tell, from tackling economic injustice to redefining restaurant culture. With mouthwatering photography and short contributions from America's leading food writers, this sumptuous, global, and inspiring cookbook brings a world of flavour into home kitchens.