Réjane Dreifuss (Edited by)
Réjane Dreifuss works as a dramaturge and project manager for the theatre company sonimage. Together with the author and director Igor Bauersima, she has written and directed theatre plays under the pseudonym Réjane Desvignes, in which digital technologies play a crucial role in the creation of narratives. Since 2016, she has been researching the influence of digitalization on theatre, with a particular focus on the generation of new narrative forms. She is a lecturer and researcher in the Department Performing Arts and Film at the Zürcher Hochschule der Künste.
Simon Hagemann (Edited by) Simon Hagemann is a lecturer in communication at the IUT of Saint-Dié-des-Vosges (University of Lorraine) and an associate researcher at CREM (Centre de recherche sur les médiations). He also holds a doctorate in theatre studies (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris 3). His work focuses on video games, theatre, history and media innovations.
Izabella Pluta (Edited by) Izabella Pluta is a researcher in the performing arts (PhD in theatre and cinema), theatre critic and translator as well as associated researcher at the Center of Theatre Studies (University of Lausanne). She has been granted advanced research fellowship Fernand Braudel IFER, Marie Curie Fellowships at Université Lyon 2 and ENSATT (2013-2014) et Directeur d’études associé (DEA) at several laboratory’s spaces in France such as Atelier Art/Science or Studio Fresnoy.