This collection represents the second volume in the series initiated in 2023 under the title, "A Fractured North." We envisioned these publications as a response of the international community of Northern scholars to the ongoing war in Ukraine and to the disruption ("fracture") it caused to our common field that encompasses Arctic/Siberian/ Northern/ Indigenous domains. The many productive interactions and the heartfelt relationships built during years of collaborations are now suspended or at least highly constrained. We wanted to create an open forum for anthropologists, historians, human geographers, museum specialists, as well as Indigenous experts and knowledge holders to share their perspectives, reflect on the current situation, and discuss challenges that we face now as a globalized community. The stories featured in this volume deal with a painful reality of the abrupt closure of the field since February 2022. As people’s journeys were put "on hold," the authors address the derailment of plans and partnerships, lessons learned, as well as ways to move forward.