At the time of the first Kings of Prussia, Friedrich Wilhelm and Friedrich the Great, the family od Christa Unnasch settled in East- and Westprussia. At times of war, the male members fougth for their King. When the author was born, they lives in the free city of Danzig. She explains the time of war, where her father didn't return. When Danzig becomes destroyed, she is now refugee und later she decided to migrate to Australie. But that is an other story. Das Buch beschreibt die autobiografischen Ursprünge einer Familie zur Zeit Friedrichs des Großen in Preußen, ihr Leben in Westpreußen und Danzig, die Kriegszeit mit der Flucht, das Leben als Vertriebene bis zur Auswanderung der Autorin nach Australien. Mit vielen kleinen Episoden aus dem Leben und Rückblicken bei ihren späteren Besuchen in Deutschland. Englischsprachige Ausgabe. Extract: My father had loved that property as a boy. He used to be a humble farmhand there at a time and proudly bought it now from his former master cash in hand. My parents were very happy there and worked and improved that farm diligently until 1920. My future had to be decided upon when I was 14-years-old. I harboured the dream of becoming a forest ranger, as I loved the land, rivers, forests and all animals wild and tame with great passion. My father’s idea was more down to earth and practical. Besides, in order to get into that field, one had to study. Studies were very expensive and our family too large for extravagancies. My father had a better idea, for me to become a toolmaker by trade. It would not cost anything and my teacher would be a relative uncle of mine who owned a toolmaking firm. His surname was Bartsch and he lived in Osche. So it was decided and done. Five times, I ran away from there. Five times, I was recaptured and brought back. In the end, I sat for my exam in Schwetz and passed it with excellent results.