Have you ever wondered why some people are made better by the same experience that turn others bitter?
Every now and then, you come across a book that addresses the age-old question of faith and what it means to have it. Unlike other books on the same topic you’ve read, this one stops you in your tracks, overwhelms your heart and refuses to let go. This is such a book.
Awe-inspiring stories that will take hold of your heart, pull you in and refuse to let go.
Five women. Different ages. Different locations. Different economic backgrounds. But one thing in common. Incredible endurance in the face of jaw-dropping odds.
This wonderful book explores the central question of why experiences make some people bitter and others better. It aims to inspire as it enlightens. Teaching hope, this priceless book shows us all the true power of faith and the endless potential of encouragement.
Inspired by the questions of whether or not there is more to faith and whether hope can be found in the most hopeless of situations, this moving book documents firsthand accounts of people triumphing over the most difficult situations imaginable with the help of faith and positivity.
Poignant and inspiring, BUT HE CALLS ME BLESSED! has the potential to resonate with readers across the globe. This book is an awe-inspiring collection of true-life stories. It targets more than Christ’s followers because it deals with universal issues that affect readers from all walks of life, regardless of race, gender, religion, or societal position.
Here’s what a well-known review had to say about BUT HE CALLS ME BLESSED!
’...I had intended to review this book sooner because I’d intended to read it quicker, but that proved impossible. It’s a fairly short book (148 pages), and I thought I would read it quickly, but I found I couldn’t, as after I read each chapter or section, I had to stop and process what I’d read. Its impact is much greater than its size...’ Norman Graham, independent review on NetGalley, U.K.
(Read the full review: https: //www.netgalley.com/catalog/book/155768)