Shinsui Ito was born 4 February 1898 in the Fukagawa district of Tokyo and died 8 May 1972.
Shinsui Itō was his pseudonym.
At the age of ten, young Hajime found employment at the Tokyo Printing Company after his father s business went bankrupt, and here he began to show serious interest and talent in Nihonga, Japanese-style painting.
In 1911 he was introduced to Kaburagi Kiyokata, a renowned painter, and became Kiyokata’s student. It was Kiyokata that gave Hajime his artist’s name, Shinsui. When Shinsui was eighteen years old, his paintings were seen by the publisher Watanabe Shozaburo at an exhibition at Kiyokata’s art school.
Shinsui designing mostly bijin-ga and only more occasionally landscape prints, see authors book Ito Shinsui Bijin-ga.
The landscapes are absolutely wonderful and the carving technique and printing technique is the best ever. We hope you will enjoy our selection of prints.