El doctor William Li, m dico pionero y orador de TED -cuyas conferencias tienen m s de 4 millones de visualizaciones-, revela que la antiangiog nesis, o la prevenci n del crecimiento de vasos sangu neos que alimentan tumores malignos, es el secreto para protegernos de las amenazas contra nuestra salud.
El primer paso: elegir alimentos que bloqueen el suministro de nutrientes de las c lulas cancerosas y vencer as a la enfermedad en su propio juego. La gu a que transformar la manera en que usamos los alimentos para prevenir, tratar y revertir enfermedades mediante la activaci n de los sistemas naturales de defensa del cuerpo. Estamos en un punto de inflexi n en nuestra comprensi n de c mo prevenir y combatir las enfermedades. Las tasas de c ncer, enfermedades cardiacas, accidentes cerebrovasculares, diabetes, obesidad y otros problemas de salud comunes se est n disparando. Sin embargo, las ltimas investigaciones cient ficas y evidencia cl nica revelan que el poder de protegernos contra estas amenazas y resistirlas reside en una soluci n simple: los alimentos que comemos todos los d as. ENGLISH DESCRIPTIONNEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER Is your diet feeding or defeating disease? Forget everything you think you know about your body and food, and discover the new science of how the body heals itself. Learn how to identify the strategies and the dosages for using food to transform your resilience and health in EAT TO BEAT DISEASE. We have radically underestimated our body's power to transform and restore our health. Pioneering physician scientist, Dr. William Li, empowers readers by showing them the evidence behind over 200 health-boosting foods that can starve cancer, reduce your risk of dementia, and beat dozens of avoidable diseases. EAT TO BEAT DISEASE isn't about what foods to avoid, but rather is a life-changing guide to the hundreds of healing foods to add to your meals that support the body's defense systems, including: PlumsCinnamon
Jasmine tea
Red wine and beer
Black Beans
San Marzano tomatoes
Olive oil
Pacific oysters
Cheeses like Jarlsberg, Camembert and cheddar
Sourdough bread The book's plan shows you how to integrate the foods you already love into any diet or health plan to activate your body's health defense systems-Angiogenesis, Regeneration, Microbiome, DNA Protection, and Immunity-to fight cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular, neurodegenerative, and autoimmune diseases, and other debilitating conditions. Both informative and practical, EAT TO BEAT DISEASE explains the science of healing and prevention, the strategies for using food to actively transform health, and points the science of well-being and disease prevention in an exhilarating new direction.