The Cairo Geniza documents are considered one of the most important documents that were found in Egypt. They were letters written by Egyptian Jews, and they reflect the real life in medieval Egypt, as they were considered a true mirror of its time, the history of the discovery of the Cairo Geniza documents goes back to the year 1865, in the Geniza room of the "Ibn ʿIzra" temple in Egypt. Unfortunately, most of the Geniza documents were smuggled out of Egypt in 1896 A.D., and despite the attempts of some Jews who are trying to attribute these documents to them as they called them in some of their research: the Jewish Geniza documents, but became famous throughout the world under the name of the Cairo Geniza documents, they belong to Egypt and will remain to Egypt, not only that, in 1987 the Egyptian Antiquities Authority considered the Geniza manuscripts an Egyptian archaeological heritage, and the Geniza tombs were considered among the Egyptian antiquities.