The nanoarchaeal symbiosis evolves into symbiotic tissue organism networks and flying bat primate colonies. The flying bat primate colonies evolved into human species - the Homo neanderthalis and the hibernatory Homo floresiensis. The species states are fluid and are related to geochemical states and the war of sex determining genes. The global warming related evolution of Homo neoneanderthalis and Homo neofloresiensis also indicates a pattern of evolutionary cycles in relation to climate change. The human species/evolutionary states and stellar evolution are comparable evolutionary events and geochemical cycles. The evolution of infective interactive thought fields - infective internet generated disembodied thought fields - extended cognition can be related to interactive nanoarchaeal and symbiotic tissue organism networks with their metallic oxide neurotransmitters. This can be described as an evolution of the world of Asuras to the world of Lord Rama.