Since its accession to political and economic independence, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) has experienced an emergence in political matters, especially in terms of the organization of the conquest of power, from 1960 to the present day. However, since the introduction of the constitution of February 18, 2006, which established the 3rd Republic in the Democratic Republic of Congo, political parties have been properly regulated. The political history of the Democratic Republic of Congo teaches us that the advent of political parties arose in a colonial context in which the promotion of political education was not in practice, since it was never in the vision of the colonizers. Moreover, Congolese parties in the Democratic Republic of Congo arose in a context in which the promotion of ethnic culture was the foundation of the old tribal associations, which changed their garb to wear the hat of political parties. Between 1958 and 2000, the Democratic Republic of Congo recorded some 2,000 political par