This book deals with the creation of film soundtracks in the digital age: technical possibilities and experimentation. The aim of this research is to provide composers with tips on how to create successful film soundtracks using digital equipment. To achieve this goal, we have opted for approaches based on the semiotics of cinema, as thought by Christian METZ in "Essais sur la signification au cinéma", the semiotics of music, as thought by Nicolas MEEÙS in his work "Une approche sémiotique de la musique", and the theory of experimentation by Michel DEVELAY in his work "Sur la méthode expérimentale". This work is divided into four chapters: a first chapter on understanding digital music and soundtracks, a second that sheds light on analog composition, a third chapter on the composer’s possibilities in the digital age, and a final chapter on experimenting with the compositional possibilities of the digital age on a concrete project.