The role of Secular Morality in Tanzania current situation is one of the big issues to discuss as Tanzanians like other African countries are religious centered societies. According to Thomas Hobbes a society can live peacefully without the idea of religion. This is against the Christians of his time who would of course hold theistic view while considering Thomas Hobbes as atheistic. Christians holds a dualist view making a difference between soul and body, whereas they regarded Hobbes as a materialist. Christians also believed in freedom of the will, freedom of the soul and mind but they regarded Thomas Hobbes as a determinist who would reduce the will to a sequence of appetites or some sort of cultural change. So Christians also held a corporative outset of human society; they viewed society as essentially an aspect of human nature whereas they regarded Thomas Hobbes as having a rather profoundly individualistic view. On the other hand Christians holds the view of eternal and immutable morality. That is to say there were certain moral principles based on God’s reason that were possible for us, in virtue of our reason, to grasp and understand the moral reality.