Politics is proving to be an increasingly crucial issue in African societies, especially among the young population, who are keen to see things change radically and put an end to the outdated traditions perpetuated and maintained by an old guard of politicians still in charge. In the face of this desire for change, there is a crying immobility on the part of these young people, who find themselves caught between the Messiah syndrome and a lack of knowledge of political codes. But more than 60 years after independence, the African political landscape is more than ever in need of new players capable of placing and defending the collective interest against all odds. Aware that political overthrows through coups d’état are outdated, politics is and remains the royal road to achieving change and building true decision-makers, true patriots, true Africans. After all, change is everyone’s business!This methodological guide is designed to make you love politics, to make you want to do it or do it again, and to make it much easier for you to enter and stay in this ultra-selective, elitist world.