Coral reefs in Pakistan are mainly distributed in the northeastern part of the Arabian Sea. Pakistan’s coast is home to several coral reefs, particularly at Gwadar, Churna Island, Ormara, Astola Island, and Jiwani. Unfortunately, the biodiversity of coral reefs along the Pakistan coast is declining due to human activities. Some Pakistani coral species collected by divers are sold in local aquarium markets and used for decoration, beautifying aquariums, jewelry, and even in medicine. A recent report highlights the sale of corals near the coastal area of Karachi and in aquarium markets in the city. The report reveals that a total of 27 species in 15 families were found, with acropora and faviidae being the best-selling. Additionally, gorgonian and tubipora were also commonly found in the shops. The report concludes with several recommendations for the management and conservation of coral reef resources in Pakistan.