It can be seen that, to a large extent, the processes of disciplinarization and subjectivation take place in the school space through the devices present in this institution, in conjunction with time, since it is in this environment that the individual spends most of their formative life, considering that this time is increasingly added, thus increasing the scope, creation and improvement of political technologies of the body and practices of subjectivation. This theoretical and empirical research aims to deterritorialize/defamiliarize the analysis of one of these important subjectivation devices, "pedagogical practices", from the microphysics formulated by Foucault. Foucault offers a reading of power in terms of multiple relationships, which permeates the micro scale, structuring the activities of individuals in society and institutions. Power is present in all institutions, relationships and situations, so it is also present in the construction of scientific knowledge, in its statements, its applications, which expand and branch out, reaching the sphere of education and the scientific knowledge produced in this area.