Optoelectronics is the branch of electronics that deals with the conversion of electricity into light and light into electricity using semiconductor materials called semiconductors. Semiconductors are crystalline solid materials with an electrical conductivity that is less than that of metals, but greater than that of insulators. Their physical properties can be modified by exposure to different types of light or the flow of electric current. In addition to visible light, forms of radiation such as ultraviolet and infrared, invisible to the human eye, can affect the properties of these materials. It is a rapidly growing field that combines electronics and optics to use light to process information. Basically, it is based on the phenomena of interaction of light and other forms of electromagnetic radiation with semi-conductor materials. This makes it possible to convert electrical signals to optical and vice versa. Optoelectronic devices use effects such as photo-electricity, photovoltaics, photoemission or electroluminescence to detect, emit and modulate light.