★ 獨特的中英雙語童書!
※ 國小適讀(有注音)
「本書為作者親身經歷的改編故事,作者育有兩個嚴重過敏體質的兒女。書中所描述的點點滴滴,真實且感人。讀完本書,我腦海中浮現出阿媽牽著小孫子的情景:天真的孩子,慈祥的阿媽,手牽手,心連心,漫步在街道上。這就是愛!這就是幸福!」——鍾世豪(Peter Chung)牧師
「父母是台灣人,在美國出生長大的作者,根據個人成長經驗,寫了一本雙語的故事書,書寫跨世代、跨越台美文化的愛的故事,平實的故事中流動著祖孫之情。」——陳曉柔(Abby Chen)國中輔導教師
「AhMa Loves You! is a heartwarming bilingual chapter book highlighting the special relationship between a grandma and grandchild and the cross-cultural differences in ways to show love. There's no other book like it on the market! Highly recommended!」——Katrina Liu, Author of I Love Boba! and other children's books
「AhMa Loves You! is lovely, quaint, and the perfect window into another culture. It tells the story of a young boy who suffers from food allergies and takes a vacation with his family to visit his grandmother. Though his dietary needs make portions of the trip troublesome as his grandmother learns to accept and respect his needs, their love and appreciation for one another begin to blossom as they work together and show consideration for one another. Together, the lead character enjoys a full immersion into his family heritage under the watchful, loving eye of his AhMa. What a gift to stories of color this book will be!」——Brytni McNeil, Writer, “A Guide for Handling Racism, Prejudice, Colorism in Children's Literature”