來自加拿大溫哥華(Vancouver, Canada),身兼ESL(English as Second Language,英文為第二語言)作家、教師、配音員,以及報紙廣播記者等多重身分。於1999年定居台灣至今,曾在加拿大擔任報社記者,並任職於加拿大廣播公司(Canadian Broadcasting Corporation,CBC)。曾於ICRT(台北國際社區廣播電台)擔任新聞編寫與播報工作。目前專職寫作英語學習書籍,並兼職成人英語教學。此外也是獨立配音員,在台灣已撰寫多本著作。
美國拉西瑞亞大學(La Sierra University)英語教學課程設計博士(Curriculum & Instruction with TESOL emphasis, Ed.D),目前任職於敏惠醫護管理專科學校通識教育中心。
Chapter 01 An Introduction to Your Skin 皮膚結構簡介
1-1 Article: Skin: The Body’s Largest Organ 皮膚:人體最大的器官
1-2 Grammar in Use: 五大句型
1-3 Practical Sentences
1-4 Dialog
1-5 Beauty Knowhow & Tips:
(A) Formation of Pimples and Acne 丘疹和面皰的形成
(B) Effects of a Blackhead 黑頭粉刺的影響
(C) Identify Your Skin Type 認識你的膚質
(D) Beauty Products 美妝產品
Chapter 02 Sun Protection for Your Skin 做好皮膚防曬
2-1 Article: The Sun: Our Skin’s Friend and Enemy
2-2 Grammar in Use: 連接詞
2-3 Practical Sentences
2-4 Dialog
2-5 Beauty Knowhow & Tips:
(A) Skin Protection From Sun 各類防曬用品
(B) Tips for Soothing a Sunburn 舒緩曬傷的小技巧
(C) How to Apply Sunscreen 如何正確使用防曬品
Chapter 03 Steps for Skin Cleaning & Care 清潔與保養皮膚步驟
3-1 Article: Cleaning & Caring for Your Skin 清潔與保養你的皮膚
3-2 Grammar in Use: 進行式
3-3 Practical Sentences
3-4 Dialog
3-5 Beauty Knowhow & Tips:
(A) Facial Cleansing Products 臉部清潔產品
(B) Types of Skin Problems 皮膚問題種類
(C) Facial Cleansing Steps 臉部清潔步驟
Chapter 04 The Components of Skincare Products 保養品的成分
4-1 Article: Common Skincare Ingredients 常見保養品成分
4-2 Grammar in Use: 從屬連接詞/關係代名詞:That
4-3 Practical Sentences
4-4 Dialog
4-5 Beauty Knowhow & Tips:
(A) Makeup Products 彩妝產品
(B) Cosmetic Products 美妝保養用品
(C) Products for Men 男性美容保養用品
Chapter 05 An In-Depth Look at Facial Masks 面膜種類與敷臉步驟
5-1 Article: An In-Depth Look at Facial Masks
5-2 Grammar in Use: 被動語態
5-3 Practical Sentences
5-4 Dialog
5-5 Beauty Knowhow & Tips:
(A) Ingredients for Facial Masks 可用來作面膜的原料
(B) Skin Conditions 皮膚狀況
(C) Facial Masks and Their Benefits 各式面膜與其優點
(D) Paraffin Treatment 蜜蠟保養療程
Chapter 06 The Components of Facial Masks 面膜成分分析
6-1 Article: Facial Mask Sheets: Their Components & Bene
6-2 Grammar in Use: 從屬子句
6-3 Practical Sentences
6-4 Dialog
6-5 Beauty Knowhow & Tips:
(A) Foods Containing Antioxidants 抗氧化食物有哪些?
(B) Facial Mask Components & Their Functions 面膜成分與其功效
(C) Flower Power 花的力量
Chapter 07 Making Your Own Facial Masks 調製你的專屬面膜
7-1 Article: Making Homemade Facial Masks
7-2 Grammar in Use: 關係詞
7-3 Practical Sentences
7-4 Dialog
7-5 Beauty Knowhow & Tips:
(A) Sources of Common Vitamins 常見維他命的來源
(B) Functions of Common Vitamins 常見維他命的功能
(C) Personal Skincare Recipe 專屬於你的面膜
Chapter 08 An Introduction to Aromatherapy 芳香療法簡介
8-1 Article: Introduction to Aromatherapy
8-2 Grammar in Use: 動名詞/不定詞
8-3 Practical Sentences
8-4 Dialog
8-5 Beauty Knowhow & Tips:
(A) Essential Oils & Their Healing Properties 精油和其療癒功效
(B) Aromatherapy Products 芳香療法產品
Chapter 09 Uses of Essential Oil 精油的用途
9-1 Article: Aromatherapy Massage 芳香療法按摩
9-2 Grammar in Use: 分詞構句
9-3 Practical Sentences
9-4 Dialog
9-5 Beauty Knowhow & Tips:
(A) Who Shouldn't Have Aromatherapy Massages? 不適合芳香療法按摩的情況
(B) Aromatherapy Safety: Inappropriate Uses of Essential Oils 芳香療法安全守則:不當的精油使用法
(C) Health Benefits of Aromatic Plants 芳香植物的保健功效
Chapter 10 An Introduction to Medical Cosmetology 醫學美容簡介
10-1 Laser Use in Cosmetology 醫學美容方面的雷射應用
10-2 Grammar in Use: 假設語氣
10-3 Practical Sentences
10-4 Dialog
10-5 Beauty Knowhow & Tips:
(A) Common Uses of Lasers 常見的雷射用途
(B) Cosmetic Procedure Consultation 醫美整形手術諮詢
(C) Types of Plastic Surgery 整形手術的種類