精實管理的機制在工程作業中必須落實,作業前進行施工風險評估才能劍及履及達成工程零職災的目標。工程施工作業的期間,風險無時、無刻,無處不在,本書針對風險管理以蓮藕現象分析應用圖示解說其因果關係,在研討作業上使用建築資訊模型,簡稱BIM(Building Information Modeling)研討出有效的風險防制對策等作法,將使讀者能夠一目了然,記憶深刻。
Based on the faith of “Human oriented、Life is invaluable”. The publication has been understood to improve the safety degree & promote the efficiencies means of safety & health lean management to construction project which content of edition in classification & systematic organized that relied upon the practical experience during the many years I have serviced in international construction companies as Canada & Japan.
Lean management of safety & health should have fulfilled at construction in progressing, which key work of risk assessment has completed prior the operation of sub divisional work which is initial mean as thinking with doing to achieve the goal of Zero Occupational Disaster. Risk what arise all the time & everywhere during the construction period that was directed towards the causal relationship with diagrammatic illustration of Lotus’s Root Phenomenon which makes readers at a glance for understanding & good memory. Relatively Building Information Modeling (BIM) was applied in the discussing of work operation for the efficient strategy to prevent the risk.
Creation & Improvement Method would be used & operated gradually in the construction field that countermeasures are to the problem of manpower in shortage seriously of domestic construction. Ensure the intrinsic safety of new work method with related the health management at work site that has lots of chapters for incisive illustration in edition. Author expected sincerely readers who have the thought of unwinding beneficial that readers deeply felt the thinking of innovation & various means of lean management of construction. Lastly, author was look forward engineering staff to strive together for building the good vision of construction field in Taiwan.
第一章 工事風險 Risk of Construction
1-1 風險的肇因 Cause of risk.
1-2 風險評估的重要性 What important of risk assessment.
第二章 精實管理 Lean Management
2-1 精實管理的三原則 Guidelines of lean management.
2-2 工事管理的道法 Essential the way of construction management.
第三章 全員安衛的意義 Meaning of Engineers in Total Safety & Health
3-1 安全的重要 What safety is important!
第四章 工程風險管理 Risk Management of Construction
4-1 安全與危險的區別 Distinction between safety & danger.
4-2 本質安全的重要性 Importance of intrinsic safety.
4-3 解析施工風險評估作業(蓮藕現象)Analyzing operation of risk assessment of construction (Phenomenon of Lotus Root).
4-4 意外災害暨緊急應變 Disaster occurred with emergency response.
4-5 工地全方位緊急救援演練 Drill of emergency rescue in comprehensive at site.
第五章 工地高風險作業的管理防制及對策 Crucial Controlling & Strategy Were to The High Risk Operation at Work Site
5-1 何謂職業災害 What occupational disaster is?
5-2 墜落防止 Fall prevention.
5-3 感電災害防制 Accident of electric shock prevention.
5-4 倒塌崩塌防制的關鍵要領 Crucial skill of prevention for collapse & tumble down.
5-5 火災防制的關鍵要領 Crucial skill of prevention for fire accident.
5-6 缺氧作業的關鍵要領 Crucial skill of work for hyposia operation.
5-7 營建工地熱危害的預防與對策 Precaution & strategy of heat illness at construction site.
第六章 新建工程安全衛生實務管理精要作業 Crucial Operation of Safety & Health Management to New Construction Project
6-1 動土前作業要點 Essential work operation before the ceremony of ground breaking.
6-2 開工動土後工區規劃作業要點 Essential work planning & operation after ceremony of ground breaking & commence.
6-3 地下結構分項工程安全衛生規劃暨執行要點 Essential work planning & executed of safety & health for the sectoral work of substructures.
6-4 地上結構分項工程安全衛生規劃暨執行要點 Essential work planning & executed of safety & health for the sectoral work of superstructures.
6-5 建築鋼筋混凝土結構工程 Structure construction of architecture was reinforced concrete.
6-6 鋼骨鋼筋混凝土結構工程 Structure construction was steel reinforced concrete.
6-7 鋼骨結構工程 Steel structure construction.
6-8 創改型系統模板工程 Creation & improvement type of formwork system construction.