4.國內外第一手的案例分享,洞悉產業趨勢: 本書收錄國內外多元的電商案例,透過案例解析快速掌握全球電子商務產業的發展趨勢,並從中汲取寶貴經驗。
6.CYBERBIZ 自製多達135支智慧新零售相關免費YouTobe線上教學影片。
2014 成立於台北大直
2015~2016 電商平台上線、啟用五股倉儲物流中心
2017~2018 智能POS、OMO線上線下整合、與Google及Meta廣告合作
2019~2020 APP STORE串聯技術夥伴智慧商店概念
2021 CYBERBIZ NOW! 快速到貨、CYBERBIZ GLOBAL 跨境電商、與amazon FBA合作前進北美
2022 YBERBIZ PAYMENTS支付系統、電子票券、跨境電商前進日本
2023 CYBERBIZ APP MARKE擴充服務市集 200+ 款服務與應用程式、CYBERBIZ AUTOMATIO自動化行銷、跨境電商前進東南亞(馬來西亞、新加坡)、楊梅倉儲物流中心4,520坪全溫層倉儲
2024 CYBERBIZ 門市助理、成立馬來西亞分公司
01 電子商務概述
Overview of E-Commerce
1-1 電子商務的基本概念
The Basic Concepts of E-Commerce
1-2 電子商務的優勢與挑戰
Advantages and Challenges of E-Commerce
1-3 電子商務的發展趨勢
Development Trends of E-Commerce
02 電子商務模式
E-Commerce Models
2-1 B2B 電子商務
B2B E-Commerce
2-2 B2C 電子商務
B2C E-Commerce
2-3 C2C 電子商務
C2C E-Commerce
2-4 O2O 電子商務
O2O E-Commerce
2-5 OMO 線上線下整合
OMO (Online-Merge-Offline)
2-6 D2C 電子商務
D2C E-Commerce
03 電子商務基礎
E-Commerce Fundamentals
3-1 電子商務網站的架設與設計
Establishment and Design of E-Commerce Websites
3-2 產品管理
Product Management
3-3 金流與電子支付
Payment Systems and E-Payments
3-4 物流管理
Logistics Management
3-5 網路安全與數據保護
Cybersecurity and Data Protection
3-6 法律與合規要求
Legal and Compliance Requirements
04 電子商務與行動商務
E-Commerce and Mobile Commerce
4-1 行動商務的發展趨勢
Development Trends in Mobile Commerce
4-2 行動商務的購物體驗
Shopping Experiences in Mobile Commerce
4-3 行動電商應用策略
Strategic Applications in Mobile E-Commerce
05 電子商務平台
E-Commerce Platforms
5-1 網路商店和市場
Online Stores and Marketplaces
5-2 電商相關服務的彈性串接
Flexible Integration of E-Commerce Services
06 電子商務行銷策略
E-Commerce Marketing Strategies
6-1 數位整合行銷策略
Integrated Digital Marketing Strategies
6-2 數位行銷工具:SEO和SEM
Digital Marketing Tools: SEO and SEM
6-3 社群媒體行銷
Social Media Marketing
6-4 電子郵件行銷
Email Marketing
6-5 內容行銷
Content Marketing
6-6 品牌塑造
Brand Building
07 電子商務消費者行為
Consumer Behavior in E-Commerce
7-1 什麼是消費者行為?
What Is Consumer Behavior?
7-2 線上購物的決策過程(認知、搜尋、評估、購買、後續行動)
Online Shopping Decision Process (Awareness, Search, Evaluation, Purchase, Post-Purchase Actions)
7-3 吸引消費者採取線上購物的原因
Reasons for Attracting Consumers to Online Shopping
7-4 影響消費者選擇購物平台的關鍵因素
Key Factors Influencing Platform Choice
7-5 如何追蹤線上消費者行為軌跡
How to Track Online Consumer Behavior
7-6 如何打造個人化與客戶體驗
Creating Personalized and Customer Experiences
7-7 如何做好會員管理
Effective Membership Management
08 電子商務分析
E-Commerce Analytics
8-1 網站分析與流量監測
Website Analytics and Traffic Monitoring
8-2 行銷成效分析
Marketing Effectiveness Analysis
8-3 銷售數據分析與預測
Sales Data Analysis and Forecasting
8-4 常見的數據分析工具
Common Data Analysis Tools
09 電子商務創新
Innovations in E-Commerce
9-1 人工智慧和機器學習
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
9-2 區塊鏈技術
Blockchain Technology
9-3 虛擬實境和擴增實境
Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality
10 電子商務國際化
Globalization in E-Commerce
10-1 跨境電子商務現況
The Current State of Cross-Border E-Commerce
10-2 國際支付和物流
International Payments and Logistics
10-3 跨文化行銷
Cross-Cultural Marketing
11 電子商務倫理和社會影響
Ethics and Social Impact in E-Commerce
11-1 數位不平等所造成的數位鴻溝
Digital Inequality and the Digital Divide
11-2 環境可持續性與綠色電子商務
Environmental Sustainability and Green E-Commerce
11-3 企業社會責任與倫理行為
Corporate Social Responsibility and Ethical Behavior
12 電子商務未來展望
Future Prospects of E-Commerce
12-1 全通路整合:O2O、OMO
Omnichannel Integration: O2O and OMO
12-2 人工智慧的下一步
The Next Steps for Artificial Intelligence
12-3 物流產業的革新
Innovations in the Logistics Industry
12-4 迎接體驗經濟的未來
Embracing the Future of the Experience Economy
13 電商經營行銷實戰技能
Practical E-Commerce Marketing and Management Skills
13-1 打造穩固基礎:經營核心策略
Building a Strong Foundation: Core Business Strategies
13-2 擴大品牌影響力:行銷技法
Expanding Brand Influence: Marketing Techniques
13-3 開拓未來商機:市場拓展策略
Exploring Future Opportunities: Market Expansion Strategies
14 網路原生品牌的成功路徑
Success Paths for Internet-Native Brands
14-1 定期訂閱制的應用與會員經營:鮮乳坊
Subscription Models and Membership Management: Fresh Milk House (鮮乳坊)
14-2 社群行銷與直播互動的力量:悠活原力
The Power of Social Media Marketing and Live Interaction: YOHOFORCE (悠活原力)
14-3 團購與社群行銷策略:嚴選砥家
Group Buying and Social Media Marketing Strategies: Yan Selection (嚴選砥家)
14-4 靈活行銷讓小眾市場規模化:Fandora Shop
Flexible Marketing for Niche Market Scaling: Fandora Shop
14-5 從網紅到品牌的轉型策略:阿辰師
Transforming Influencers into Brands: Master Chen (阿辰師)
15 傳統企業的電商轉型之道
E-Commerce Transformation for Traditional Enterprises
15-1 OMO 布局與數位轉型:夏普震旦
OMO Strategies and Digital Transformation: Sharp AURORA
15-2 跨境電商與物流挑戰:曼巴科技
Cross-Border E-Commerce and Logistics Challenges: Manba Technology (曼巴科技)
15-3 傳統企業數位轉型的數據驅動策略:大漢酵素
Data-Driven Strategies for Digital Transformation: Daihan Enzyme (大漢酵素)
01 電子商務概述
Overview of E-Commerce
1-1 電子商務的基本概念
The Basic Concepts of E-Commerce
1-2 電子商務的優勢與挑戰
Advantages and Challenges of E-Commerce
1-3 電子商務的發展趨勢
Development Trends of E-Commerce
02 電子商務模式
E-Commerce Models
2-1 B2B 電子商務
B2B E-Commerce
2-2 B2C 電子商務
B2C E-Commerce
2-3 C2C 電子商務
C2C E-Commerce
2-4 O2O 電子商務
O2O E-Commerce
2-5 OMO 線上線下整合
OMO (Online-Merge-Offline)
2-6 D2C 電子商務
D2C E-Commerce
03 電子商務基礎
E-Commerce Fundamenta...