Chapter 01 Peopleᅠ人物
1-1 Appearance 外貌
1-2 Five Senses and Body Parts I 五感與身體部位之一
1-3 Five Senses and Body Parts II 五感與身體部位之二
1-4 Clothes 衣服
1-5 Accessories and Colors 配件與顏色
1-6 Emotions 情緒
1-7 Characters and Qualities I 個性與特質之一
1-8 Characters and Qualities II 個性與特質之二
Chapter 02 Home and Daily Lifeᅠ居家與日常生活
2-1 Bedroom 臥室
2-2 Living Room 客廳
2-3 Study, Kitchen, Bathroom, etc. 書房、廚房及浴室等
2-4 Doing Housework 做家事
2-5 Common Places and Areas 常見地點與區域
Chapter 03 Dietᅠ飲食
3-1 Meals and Snacks 三餐與點心
3-2 Vegetables, Fruits, and Drinks 蔬果與飲料
3-3 Cooking 烹飪
3-4 Eating Meals 用餐
Chapter 04 Interpersonal Relationshipsᅠ人際關係
4-1 Family and Friends I 家人與朋友之一
4-2 Family and Friends II 家人與朋友之二
4-3 Socializing 交際應酬
4-4 Communication I 對話溝通之一
4-5 Communication II 對話溝通之二
Chapter 05 Education and Learningᅠ教育與學習
5-1 Education and Subjects 學校教育與科目
5-2 In the Classroom 課堂
5-3 Doing Homework 寫作業
5-4 Taking Exams, Tests, and Quizzes 考試
Chapter 06 Hobbies, Activities, and Holidays 嗜好、活動與節日
6-1 Hobbies 嗜好
6-2 Entertainment and Outdoor Activities 娛樂與戶外活動
6-3 Sports 體育運動
6-4 Holidays and Celebrations 節日與慶典
Chapter 07 Healthᅠ健康
7-1 Illnesses and Symptoms 疾病與症狀
7-2 Seeing a Doctor 就醫
Chapter 08 Transportation and Travelᅠ交通與旅行
8-1 Transportation 交通工具
8-2 Traffic Accidents 交通意外
8-3 Asking for and Giving Directions 問路與指路
8-4 Prepositions of Place and Direction 有關地點與方位的介詞
8-5 Travel 旅行
8-6 Going Shopping 購物
Chapter 09 Workplaces and Working Environment 職場與工作環境
9-1 Jobs I 職業之一
9-2 Jobs II 職業之二
9-3 Abilities, Careers, and Interviews 能力、職涯與面試
9-4 The Structure of a Company, Job Descriptions, and Working Environment 公司組織架構與工作內容及環境
9-5 Having Meetings 開會
Chapter 10 Figures and Measurementᅠ數字與度量衡
10-1 Amounts, Shapes, Sizes, and Measurement I 數量、形狀大小與測量之一
10-2 Amounts, Shapes, Sizes, and Measurement II 數量、形狀大小與測量之二
10-3 Time I 時間之一
10-4 Time II 時間之二
Chapter 1 1 Nature and Geographyᅠ自然與地理
11-1 The Natural Environment and Space 自然產物、現象與環境
11-2 Animals, Plants, and Insects I 動植物與昆蟲之一
11-3 Animals, Plants, and Insects II 動植物與昆蟲之二
11-4 Weather 天氣
11-5 Natural Disasters 自然災害
Chapter 12 Social Structures, Problems, and Wars 社會結構、問題與戰爭
12-1 Governments and Social Structures 政體與社會結構
12-2 Social Problems 社會問題
12-3 Wars 戰爭
Chapter 13 Trendy New Words and Phrasesᅠ潮流新字