最新雅思單字版本 ──
Amanda Chou
Unit 3
Due to the continuous bad selling condition, the company 25._________ that a certain percentage of the staff members had to be laid off.
Jason’s bossy character and his wish to 26._________ over others make him the least popular person among all.
The world surrounding us is a seriously 27._________ one, and we must take precautions to cope with the global ecological crisis.
The applicant’s additional language skills and working experience definitely 28._________ the chance of being employed.
To 29._________ the risk of clogged arteries and heart attacks, one had better get away from trans fats, which may cause the rise of cholesterol in the blood.
It’s essential for every global villager to keep it in mind that we all should undertake the 30._________ to protect the environment for our future generations.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s 31._________ of non-violence in struggling against racial discrimination and segregation won him the utmost respect from the world.
The poor financial management of Mr. Smith’s enterprise was responsible for his unfortunate 32._________ in the end.
As soon as the renowned company posted an advertisement of a position for a manager, a large number of qualified jobseekers 33._________ for the job.
It is imperative that we humans put emphasis on ecological 34._________ and set up as many wildlife reserves as we can.
All those present were bothered by the intruder, who both inappropriately dressed himself and rudely behaved on the solemn 35._________.
Though careful with the budget, with the soaring high living costs, Michael’s expenses invariably 36._________ his income every month.
is in the closest meaning to this word.
A announced
B control
C failure
D monitored
E obligation
F dominate
G polluted
H decrease
I hospitality
J preservation
K declared
L contaminated
M add
N maintenance
O protection
P exceeded
Q increase
R circumstance
S surpassed
T utilize
U occasion
V administered
W bankruptcy
X advocacy
Benjamin Jacob Grimm was born on Yancy Street, a tough 1. ___________ in the Lower East Side of New York City. Due to a family 2. ___________, Ben was raised by his uncle Jake. Ben found a way to 3. ___________ in the neighborhood and once led the Yancy Street gang. Even though he was raised in a bad area, he did very well in 4. ___________ in high school. Thus, he 5. ___________ a full scholarship to Empire State University. He met his 6. ___________ friend, Reed Richards, who was basically a 7. ___________. When they were in school, Reed often told Ben that his dream was to build a space rocket to 8. ___________ the regions of space around Mars. After earning his degree in 9. ___________, Ben joined the United States Marine Corps and became a test 10. ___________. Later on, he joined the Air Force. He was ordered to serve as a pilot during a top-secret 11. ___________ mission into Vladivostok in the Soviet Union. His 12. ___________ were Logan, who became Wolverine, and Carol Danvers, who became Ms. Marvel in the future. After that, he became an 13. ___________ for NASA.
Years later, Reed actually built the spaceship. However, the government denied his 14. ___________ to fly the spaceship by himself. Therefore, he 15. ___________ Ben and asked Ben to fly with him in secrecy. Ben was 16. ___________ to fly the spaceship, but eventually gave in.
A genius
B football
C explore
D neighborhood
E surveillance
F partners
G permission
H tragedy
I received
J engineering
K contacted
L survive
M lifelong
N astronaut
O reluctant
P pilot
Unit 3
Due to the continuous bad selling condition, the company 25._________ that a certain percentage of the staff members had to be laid off.
Jason’s bossy character and his wish to 26._________ over others make him the least popular person among all.
The world surrounding us is a seriously 27._________ one, and we must take precautions to cope with the global ecological crisis.
The applicant’s additional language skills and working experience definitely 28.______...
PART 1 同義字模擬試題
Unit 1 模擬試題 (一)
Unit 2 模擬試題 (二)
Unit 3 模擬試題 (三)
Unit 4 模擬試題 (四)
Unit 5 模擬試題 (五)
Unit 6 模擬試題 (六)
Unit 7 模擬試題 (七)
Unit 8 模擬試題 (八)
Unit 9 模擬試題 (九)
Unit 10 模擬試題 (十)
Unit 11 模擬試題 (十一)
Unit 12 模擬試題 (十二)
Unit 13 模擬試題 (十三)
Unit 14 模擬試題 (十四)
Unit 15 模擬試題 (十五)
Unit 16 模擬試題 (十六)
Unit 17 模擬試題 (十七)
Unit 18 模擬試題 (十八)
Unit 19 模擬試題 (十九)
Unit 20 模擬試題 (二十)
Unit 21 模擬試題 (二十一)
Unit 22 模擬試題 (二十二)
Unit 23 模擬試題 (二十三)
Unit 24 模擬試題 (二十四)
Unit 25 模擬試題 (二十五)
Unit 26 模擬試題 (二十六)
Unit 27 模擬試題 (二十七)
Unit 28 模擬試題 (二十八)
PART 2 填空題模擬試題
Unit 1 模擬試題 (一)
Unit 2 模擬試題 (二)
Unit 3 模擬試題 (三)
Unit 4 模擬試題 (四)
Unit 5 模擬試題 (五)
Unit 6 模擬試題 (六)
Unit 7 模擬試題 (七)
Unit 8 模擬試題 (八)
Unit 9 模擬試題 (九)
Unit 10 模擬試題 (十)
Unit 11 模擬試題 (十一)
Unit 12 模擬試題 (十二)
Unit 13 模擬試題 (十三)
Unit 14 模擬試題 (十四)
PART 3 聽、讀整合能力強化
Unit 1 石頭人:惡劣環境中的優秀學生
Unit 2 石頭人:輻射造成石頭人的誕生
Unit 3 末日博士:多變的際遇促成西藏之旅
Unit 4 末日博士:三個目標和腦力的戰鬥
Unit 5 快銀:加入復仇者成為英雄隊
Unit 6 快銀:修補裂痕、從幫派到超級英雄
Unit 7 萬磁王:加入復仇者成為英雄隊
Unit 8 萬磁王:打回原形、重組了邪惡兄弟會
Unit 9 忍者龜:普林斯特和四隻烏龜
Unit 10 忍者龜:四隻烏龜,四種性格
Unit 11 許瑞德:與四隻烏龜的生死鬥
Unit 12 許瑞德:被炸成碎片後又復活出現
Unit 13 金鋼狼:狼爪的發現、再生能力
Unit 14 金鋼狼:救兒子達肯、被硬化的亞德曼金屬所殺死
Unit 15 劍齒虎:殺死父親、老男人和銀狐
Unit 16 劍齒虎:向獨眼巨人借村正妖刀
Unit 17 鷹眼:識破黑寡婦的真為人、鋼鐵人的啟發
Unit 18 鷹眼:沒有超能力的超級英雄
Unit 19 捷射:在陰影中成長、射殺兄長
Unit 20 捷射:作為臥底、新身分「鷹眼」
Unit 21 黑寡婦:黑寡婦計劃、蛇蠍美人
Unit 22 黑寡婦:操縱鷹眼、與夜行俠在一起
Unit 23 紅衛士:技術高超的運動員
Unit 24 紅衛士:遇見黑寡婦、淹沒在熔岩底下
Unit 25 浩克:童年的悲劇所造成的人格分裂、無限的力量
Unit 26 浩克:浩克的誕生、總統的特赦
Unit 27 首腦:暴露於伽瑪射線、總統的特赦
Unit 28 首腦:統治世界的夢想、重拾力量
PART 1 同義字模擬試題
Unit 1 模擬試題 (一)
Unit 2 模擬試題 (二)
Unit 3 模擬試題 (三)
Unit 4 模擬試題 (四)
Unit 5 模擬試題 (五)
Unit 6 模擬試題 (六)
Unit 7 模擬試題 (七)
Unit 8 模擬試題 (八)
Unit 9 模擬試題 (九)
Unit 10 模擬試題 (十)
Unit 11 模擬試題 (十一)
Unit 12 模擬試題 (十二)
Unit 13 模擬試題 (十三)
Unit 14 模擬試題 (十四)
Unit 15 模擬試題 (十五)
Unit 16 模擬試題 (十六)
Unit 17 模擬試題 (十七)
Unit 18 模擬試題 (十八)
Unit 19 模擬試題...